Tree Removal

Ace Arbor Trees are committed to an environmentally friendly culture that supports the preservation of trees. From time to time and for a variety of reasons trees need to be removed. Although tree removal is always a last resort there are times when it is necessary. Ace Arbor Trees can help you decide if tree removal is unavoidable.

Tree removal needs to be undertaken by qualified and experienced professionals. Never use a tree care provider that is unlicensed or uninsured. Tree removal is a dangerous task that should only ever be attempted by experts. Ace Arbor Trees have the experience and specialist equipment to safely remove trees when required.

Consider Tree Removal when a tree:
  • is dying or dead
  • is diseased
  • has too much rot or fungi
  • is littered with termite damage
  • is considered hazardous or unstable
  • is overcrowding or causing harm to other trees or plants
  • is damaging other structures – houses, property, utilities or paved areas
  • is restricting or hindering new construction
  • is causing an obstruction that cannot be rectified by pruning
  • if a tree needs to be replaced by a more suitable species


tree removal northern beaches
Types of Tree Removal
Manual Tree Removal

Many trees can be manually removed by using ropes, pulleys and lowering machinery. Trees are initially cut branch by branch and limbs and trunk sections lowered to the ground. Following removal branches and wood are cut up and taken away to be mulched.

Crane Tree Removal

At times tree removal can be dangerous or impeded by perilous locations. When this occurs it is often more efficient to utilise a crane to aid in tree removal. Crane removal can speed up difficult tree removals and at times is the only option for safely removing an offending or hazardous tree.

Cherry-Picker Removal

When manual removals are impeded by obstacles such as power lines or terrain the use of elevated platforms may be necessary. This method allows an arborist to dismantle an offending tree piece by piece in a safe and secured manner.

Clear Felling

Often the fastest method of removing a tree. This method can ONLY occur if there is a large available space devoid of obstacles adjacent to the offending tree. The tree is cut then felled towards the vacant land beside it.

Whatever method of tree removal is required you can rest assured that Ace Arbor Trees will remove all branches and debris from the site area and leave the site clean and tidy.


barge tree removal